S.No. | Event Title | Event Duration | Event Description |
1 | Expert Talk on Material Space Tectonics | 2025-01-29 to 2025-01-29 | . For details, click here. |
2 | 1st National Conference on Innovations in Mechanical nd Automation Engineering (NCIMAE-2020) in Online Mode | 2020-09-18 to 2020-09-18 | |
3 | Solid Works and Ansys with support from CAD Centre | 2020-01-22 to 2020-01-22 | Department of MAE, IGDTUW organized a workshop on Solid Works and Ansys with support from CAD Centre for 1st year, 2nd year B.Tech MAE students, on 22nd January 2020.
. For details, click here. |
4 | two day workshop on Engine Electronics | 2019-04-06 to 2019-04-07 | ASME collegiate club of IGDTUW in collaboration with Competences Factory and Aious Formula Student, the official Formula Student team of IGDTUW organized a two day workshop on Engine Electronics, Electricals and ECU control strategies on 6th and 7th April, 2019.. For details, click here. |
5 | Role of IoT in Manufacturing | 2019-03-26 to 2019-03-26 | MAE Department organized a Seminar by APTRON Noida on 26th March 2019 in Mechanical block. The topic of seminar was “Role of IoT in Manufacturingâ€. |
6 | ICT based STC on CAD/CAM | 2019-03-18 to 2019-03-22 | The department of MAE organized an ICT based STC on CAD/CAM from 18 March 2019 to 22 March 2019 in collaboration with NITTTR, Chandigarh. The faculty coordinators were Dr. NR. Chauhan and Mr. Vivek Chawla. |
7 | Indian school of business | 2019-01-28 to 2019-01-28 | Indian school of business conducted an information session for pre final and final year students of MAE department to enlighten them about their young leaders program. This session was held on 28 Jan 2019at 1pm to 2pm. |
8 | Short Term Training Programme Organized in Department | 2019-01-14 to 2019-01-18 | A short term training programme in ICT mode titled „Advances in Manufacturing‟ in collaboration with NITTTR, Chandigarh was organized in the department from 14th January-18th January, 2019. The programme was attended by faculty members of various departments and students along with the undersigned. The course focussed on emergence of new materials, advanced technologies of manufacturing being used in the industry. Lectures on special machining processes, unconventional machining processes, micro machining process and nano fabrication processes were conducted. Experts from IIT Mandi, PEC Chandigarh conducted sessions on microwave machining, sheet metal operations, EDM and LBM. Simulations on NX software for part modelling and computer aided manufacturing were demonstrated. Some glimpses of the programme: |
9 | Workshop Organized in Department | 2018-12-29 to 2019-01-04 | Workshop on IoT was organized in Department of MAE from 29th Dec, 2018 to 4th Jan, 2019 and was attended by M.Tech. (R&A) students along with undersigned. It was conducted by ETI Labs Pvt. Ltd. who provided interactive sessions along with hands–on practical sessions on Internet of Things, communication with sensors placed at remote location and introduction to programming in Python. The students were made aware of the interfacing peripherals and communication modules with IoT Development board and further application on Hardware available in department. At the end of workshop students were able to access devices through android application locally via Bluetooth and remotely via internet. Some glimpses of the workshop: |
10 | Industrial Visit Report | 2018-08-24 to 2018-08-24 | An Industrial visit to Daikin AirConditioning India, Neemrana was organized by the Mechanical and Automation Engineering Department, IGDTUW for the 5 th semester students on 24 th August, 2018. 48 students along with 3 faculty members visited the plant for a factory tour. The tour started with a brief interaction with one of the executives who started with an introduction about Daikin and the milestones they have achieved over the years being one of the leading air conditioning company in the world. He informed the students about the various aspects of air conditioning and how Daikin is offering a wide range of energy efficient and environmental friendly air conditioning solutions to the Indian costumers. The students were then taken for a tour of the assembly line where they were briefed about the processes and operations undertaken by the plant. They became more aware about how the assembly line works and could actually see processes such as brazing about which they only had theoretical knowledge. Afterwards, they were taken for a tour of the R&D centre, where the person in-charge showed the students the various labs where the air conditioners were developed and tested. The curiosity of the students was satisfied by the question answer session afterwards. The visit was finally concluded and proved to be a very enriching experience for the students in getting practical exposure of the industry related to their field. We request the college authorities to organize more such visits which help the students to gain insights into their chosen field of engineering as well as get practical knowledge along with classroom learning |
11 | Motorama Workshop | 2018-08-18 to 2018-08-19 | Organized a 2 day interactive college workshop on Automobile by Motorama on 18th -19th August 2018.. For details, click here. |
12 | Visit by Delegates from M/s BHP | 2018-03-02 to 0000-00-00 | Visit by Delegates from M/s BHP, visited department and interacted with Faculty and students of MAE Department. BHP is an MNC and operates a wide variety of Mining, processing and Oil & Gas production operations in over 25 countries. It is ranked 350, in the Fortune 500 ranking list. The event was witnessed by 45 students from IGDTUW, Delhi.. For details, click here. |
13 | Model United Nations Workshop | 2012-01-28 to 2012-01-29 | A model United Nations Workshop is going to be organized by MAE Department under SAE Collegiate Club on 28-29th January 2012. A Model United Nations(MUN) conference is a student model simulation of the actual United Nations proceedings. In this the students act as representatives of various member nations of United Nations and debate and discuss the agenda that is provided to them in advance while keeping in mind the foreign policies of the respective nations. These students are judged on the basis of their research regarding the agenda and knowledge regarding the world affair and the United Nations. The following councils will be simulated at IGDTUW MUN 2012: NSG-Nuclear Supplier Group, UNCSTD-United Nation Commission on Science and Technology for Development |
14 | Ethical Hacking Hacking Workshop | 2011-11-12 to 2011-11-13 | MAE Department conducted a workshop on Ethical Hacking on 12th and 13th November 2011 organized by SAE Collegiate Club. SAE conducts many projects which require knowledge of software, operating systems, and their information securities.Thus ethical hacking workshops provides a unique opportunity to learn and get clear perspective of ethical hacking, information security and cyber crime investigation. It would be an ideal platform to acquire the required knowledge to take counter measures and deal with cyber crime in an organization and personal life. The following issues were discussed in the workshop: Cyber ethics, Trojans and backdoors, Google Hacking, Web application attacks, Cyber crime investigation & information security & many more. There was live demonstration of latest hacking techniques and tools, hands on practice sessions, interaction of students with the hacking expert.The certificates were distributed to the students jointly byTech fest IIT Bombay, Tech Defence & IGDTUW. |
15 | Workshop on AUTO CAD | 2011-01-19 to 2011-01-20 | A 3 level Workshop on AUTOCAD was organized by MAE Department under SAE Collegiate Club whose first level was conducted on 19-20th Nov 2011. The next two levels will be conducted in January’12. AUTOCAD is a Computer Aided Design software used by 1st-year students for designing and drafting. This workshop will help to increase productivity of Mechanical engineering students as designers. It was conducted by an expert from MITSU CAD CAM Solutions Pvt Ltd. |
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