“Anyone who is satisfied with what has been achieved yesterday has not done anything today”. We must constantly push ourselves to set new goals and achieve greater heights. In fact, every goal we achieve should lead us to a new challenge. With this spirit and our constant endeavour to impart value based quality education, it is our pleasure to have you at IGDTUW. The aim of the Institute is not only to produce good women engineers who excel academically, but also help in widening the perspectives and awakening intellectual curiosity within them.
“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe”.The faculty members and students of IGDTUW have a passionate commitment to maintain high standards of excellence in research and academics, which is reflected by the large number of publications in international journals and conferences. The faculty members have also actively pursued research in their respective fields of interest by undertaking R&D projects funded by DST, MHRD, Nokia, Intel, Microsoft, MEITY, MCIT etc.
"Research is a process of discovery and continuous learning. It is an intensive activity, but extremely fulfilling". The PhD program at IGDTUW is designed to encourage cutting edge research enabling the candidates to grow in their professional and academic career. The research excellence at IGDTUW aims to incubate new ideas, encourage innovation and research work integrating evolving technologies to develop novel applications and processes.
IGDTUW offers admission to female candidates in the PhD program twice in a year, commencing in January and August.
The Office of Dean, Industrial Research & Development and Research & Consultancy supports the research efforts of all students and Faculty Members, provides mentoring, facilitates and fosters industrial collaboration and identifies and disseminates research opportunities and collaborations. IGDTUW provides an excellent environment for Researchers and looks forward to your contribution in extending this culture for research.
Best wishes
Prof. Ranu Gadi
Dean (Research & Collaborations)
Dean (Industrial Research & Development)